Access Protection Markings (H bar) are white lines marked on the road in front of dropped kerbs. They are designed to remind people not to park in front of, or block access to, your driveway or garage.

If someone parks on a H bar

H bars are not enforceable so we cannot issue parking tickets if someone parks on them. We find that they work well as a visual aid to remind and stop people from blocking driveways.

Parking across a dropped kerb is an offence and enforced by the Police by calling 101. A Police Officer does need to be in attendance when the obstruction is taking place to be able to assist. Don’t try to enforce the marking yourself, for example by putting out cones or trying to move the vehicle as you may be liable for compensation.

H bars can only by provided where there are dropped kerbs with strengthened footpath to support the weight of the vehicles.

We can consider installing an H bar when
  • Yellow lines or other parking restrictions are not in place
  • The property has off-street parking accessible from the road and has a dropped kerb
  • The entrance to a property may not be obvious to drivers such as a hidden entrance, or a rural area where it may be set back from the road
  • The access is located near to shops, a school or other public facilities. Drivers who don’t know the area can park for short periods of time without knowing it would block access
  • Supporting information can be provided of the area where you wish for a marking to be installed

Please note: If you have access points that are close together they will be treated and marked separately. For example, the marking will not continue across a section of raised kerbing.

When we cannot install H bars
  • It is next to or within a road junction controlled by traffic lights
  • It is near to a pedestrian crossing
  • there is not a dropped kerb
  • If two or more properties need to use the same dropped kerbs and not all of the residents are in agreement for the work to take place.

Please let us know about anything like this when you apply.


New markings or an extension to existing marking £120.

Renewal of an existing marking £48.

You will need to provide us with your name, address and contact details. 

Checklist before you apply

  • Your contact details
  • Your debit or credit card to make a payment
  • Supporting information if available
  • Please read our information on Access Protection Markings (H Bar) information before you apply

After you apply and pay

After you apply and we have received payment, we'll review your request and make a site assessment to confirm how practical it is. Then we will inform you if your application has been approved. If you’re not successful we will explain the reasons why and provide a full refund.

If you cancel your application any time after making payment we won’t be able to make a refund.

2 August 2023