Central 6

Community Forum

Bewsey & Whitecross | Fairfield & Howley | Latchford East | Latchford West | Orford | Poplars & Hulme

The Central 6 Community Forum is a group of community champions, volunteers and people who want to help make Warrington's six inner wards cleaner, greener and healthier.

The Central 6 Community Forum is here to support the key parts of the Central 6 Regeneration Masterplan, including:

  1. Inclusive, safer, greener streets – making routes across the central area safer and more attractive
  2. Active waterside – opening up more of Warrington’s riverside to allow people to enjoy it for sport and leisure
  3. Well connected, affordable movement – improving public transport routes and options
  4. People-friendly parks and public spaces – making the central area’s public realm and parks better for both people and wildlife
  5. Local community hubs and facilities – ensuring that through community hubs people have access to high-quality facilities and services
  6. Community empowerment and action – developing strong communities that are increasingly active in their local areas
  7. Inclusive neighbourhoods and housing – supporting local housing and ensuring neighbourhoods are attractive and safe
  8. Inclusive economy – increasing partnership work and supporting better access to training and employment opportunities

    Aims of the community forum

Alongside supporting the key aims of the Central 6 Regeneration Masterplan, the community forum is also here to:

  • Encourage joint working with the resident groups in the Central 6 area
  • Engage the local community in the Central 6 action plan and work with partners of the Central 6 to deliver
  • Foster a community spirit across the Central 6 area

    Forum meetings

  • Tuesday 31 May - The Irish Club, Orford Lane, WA2 7AL

Get involved

18 May 2022