Economic Development Needs Assessment 2016

We commissioned BE Group to undertake an Economic Development Needs Assessment in 2016. This report provides an economic development (employment land) needs study for Warrington Borough. It's been carried out to provide a robust evidence base which will inform the Local Plan Review. It will review the economic performance of the Borough and inform decisions on current and future land allocations.

In addition to this study, a further piece of work has been undertaken by Mickledore and forms part of our evidence base, looking at alternative economic forecasts in more detail:

Employment Land Availability Statement (ELAS)

The main purpose of the Employment Land Availability Statement is to inform and monitor the employment land policies as contained in the Local Plan Core Strategy adopted in 2014 and forms part of our evidence base for the Local Planning Framework.  The statement gives an annual update on employment completions in the Borough.


ELAS 2016 Update

The latest figures for employment land monitoring are available to view in both the 2015/16 Annual Monitoring Report and the Economic Development Needs Assessment 2016.


Employment Land Review

The Warrington Employment Land Review forms part of the evidence base of the council's Local Planning Framework. The Employment Land Review enables employment land uses to be balanced against alternative needs.

The latest Employment Land Review was conducted in 2012:


Local Economic Assessment

The LEA is a factual assessment of the economic conditions of an area which will be used to inform the future strategies and policies of the Local Authority. 

All county councils and unitary councils are required to prepare such an assessment under the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction (LDEC) Act (2009).

3 February 2023