What we can investigate
- Loud music from neighbours
- Extractor fans e.g. from takeaway restaurants
- Shop delivery trucks at unreasonable hours
- Industrial machinery
- Entertainment
- Ventilation systems
- Alarms
- Factories
- Dog barking
- Construction and demolition
- Music from shops, pubs and clubs
What we can't investigate
Whilst all complaints are treated seriously, we can't investigate the following:
- Anonymous complaints*
- Noise from unknown sources
- Common domestic noise (e.g. footsteps, doors closing, voices etc
- Talking, shouting and arguments
- Road traffic, railway or aircraft noise
- Emergency vehicles
- Fireworks in the street
- Traffic noise (including essential maintenance) - see Highways England
- Railway noise (including essential maintenance) - see Network Rail
- Aircraft noise - see Civil Aviation Authority
*If you wish to make a complaint anonymously, we'll still record the complaint, but we won't be able to investigate as the law requires officers to assess the impact that noise has on the person who has complained.
What you can do
The most important thing you can do before contacting us is to try and contact your neighbour or the business yourself, explaining the issue and how it's affecting you.
Most importantly ask if they can do something about it. You'll probably find that in most instances they might be completely unaware that they are causing such a problem.