2011 Census statistics for Warrington

The 2011 Census for England and Wales took place on 27 March 2011 and involved around 25 million households.

The results provide a wide range of information about people and places including population and household figures for England and Wales as well as council areas.

Headline results for Warrington

The number of people living in Warrington has now reached 202,200, a 5.8% increase during the last 10 years.

Below is a taster of some of the results for Warrington: 

  • Response rate; 96% of census forms returned
  • Population; 202,200
  • Men; 100,300
  • Women; 101,900
  • Number of households (occupied by at least 1 resident) 85,100
  • The average number of people per hectare; 11.1
  • Nearly a quarter of the resident population are aged 0 to 19 years; 24.1% compared to 24% nationally
  • 6 out of every 10 of the resident population are aged 20 to 64 years; 60% compared to 59.6% nationally
  • Nearly 1 in 6 residents are aged 65 years or over; 15.9% compared to 16.4% nationally
  • Persons aged 45 to 49 years of age make up the largest age group accounting for 8.2% of the population

Census statistics help paint a picture of Warrington, providing a detailed snapshot of the population and its characteristics, and underpinning public service funding allocations.

Detailed Census results

New releases (November 2014)

Travel to Work by gender [NOMIS website] - see how many people travel to and from Warrington to work – by gender:

New releases (September 2014)

The Warrington Ward Atlas can be used to compare 2011 Census results at a ward level across the Borough. This in turn can be useful to inform decision making, resource allocation, and the planning of services for the future. The Atlas has been split into 2 parts.

How well do you know your area? Statistics can give us a rich and surprising view of the everyday world    around us. Enter your postcode (England & Wales only) to find out how well you know your local area based on information from the 2011 Census on the Office of |National Statistics (ONS) website.

2011 Census data for Warrington and small areas e.g. wards and parishes also is available on the NOMIS website.

Please note that data is not available for all parishes in the area as some are too small. It is also not possible to add together parish data to create larger areas (e.g. parish councils) due to the ‘best fit’ method used by ONS to analyse Census data.

Did you know in Warrington...

Bewsey and Whitecross and Whittle Hall's population has increased by 31% and 43% respectively over the last decade while Rixton and Woolston's population decreased by 6.5% during the same period. 

Of the 85,140 local households, 11.6% are pensioners living alone, 17.2% are single households (up from 14.6% in 2001), 66.6% are families and 7.3% lone parent households. 

71.6% of homes are owner occupied, a fall from 76% in 2001, and 11.2% are privately rented which is an increase of 7% since 2001.  15.6% rent from a registered social landlord with the remaining 1.6% living in properties of shared ownership or for free.

82.5% or respondents thought they were in good or very good health at the time of filling out their census in March 2011, whilst 5.4% felt they were in bad or very bad health.  Almost 10% of the local population provides up to 19 hours of unpaid care for loved ones and 81% of working age residents are employed in the services sector.

This important data helps the council and other public service providers ensure that the services local people rely on, such as transport, housing, schools and hospitals can be provided when, where and how they are most needed.

Other interesting facts

  • 144,405 or (71.4%) local responders stated they were Christians which is a drop of 11% in the last decade however Warrington ranks 21st out of all town and cities in the England and Wales for the highest number of Christians
  • 41,923 (20.4%) people said they have 'no religion' which is an increase of 10% on 2001 while 545 (0.3%) people stated they're a Jedi knight!  Warrington also has 180 pagans, 120 spiritualists, 52 'heavy metal' and 39 wiccans
  • Travel abroad is not an option for 31,140 or 15.5% of the local population as they don't own a passport
  • 3,016 (1.5%) said they were born in the new EU accession states in eastern Europe eg Poland and Romania, 541 (0.3%) said they were born in eastern Asia eg China or Hong Kong  and 1,826 (0.9%) said they were born in southern Asia with the majority 1,147 born in India followed by 493 from Pakistan.

For any further 2011 Census enquiries please contact the Business Intelligence Team: [email protected] or visit the www.ons.gov.uk/census

24 December 2024