When you have a social care assessment, we’ll tell you about services which can help you and how you can pay for them, including where you may be able to get help with funding.

The national eligibility criteria for care and support

You are eligible for care and support if all three of the statements below apply to you:

  • Your needs are due to a physical or mental impairment or illness.
  • The impairment or illness affects your ability to do two or more of the functions in the list below.
  • Your wellbeing is significantly affected because you can’t do these things.

Does your impairment or illness affect your ability to do two or more of these functions;

  • manage and maintain your nutrition
  • manage your personal hygiene
  • manage your toilet needs
  • make sure you’re appropriately clothed
  • be able to use your home safely
  • maintain a habitable home environment
  • develop and maintain family or other personal relationships
  • access and engage in work, training, education or volunteering
  • make use of facilities or services in the local community, including public transport and recreational facilities or services
  • carry out any caring responsibilities the adult has for a child.

If your assessment shows that you meet this criteria, we have to make sure your needs are met.

Can I get help paying for my care?

Usually, if you have more than £23,250 in savings or other investments, we’ll ask you to pay the full cost of your care and support services.  

This means that you’re a 'self-funder' and you can choose to arrange your own services and support. You can find local care and support services on our My Life Warrington website.

What counts towards the £23,250?

Any money you hold in bank accounts or ISAs, any shares you own, and any cash you have. Any land or property that you own but don’t live in, and any other investments you have, also count.

The property that you live in will only be taken into account if you need to go into residential care.

If you have less than £23,250

You may still have to pay towards the cost of your care and support, but you may not have to pay for all of it.  To find out whether we can help you with your care costs, we’ll do a financial assessment which looks at your income, savings and capital to work out how much you’ll need to contribute. 

Find out how much you may have to pay

Our calculator can help you to find out how much you may need to pay towards your care based on your income, savings and expenses.

Find out how much you may have to pay for your care by using the calculator.

Useful documents

4 June 2024