Each year, the council must publish details of our accounts, governance policy and independent audits: 

Statement of accounts and audit reports

The Statement of Accounts shows the council's financial affairs, and is accompanied by an independent auditor's report to make sure the public money we spend is accounted for.  Auditors:

  • are independent and appointed by the Public Sector Audit Appointments (PSAA) 
  • also consider other aspects such as value for money of spending
  • can make their findings available to the public

Code of Corporate Governance 

'Corporate governance' is how the council manages its affairs and its relationship with the community of Warrington. It is about how the council ensures that it is doing the right things, in the right way, for the right people, in a timely, inclusive, open, honest and accountable manner. The Code of Corporate Governance sets out the framework used and detailed support in place, which ensures that the council meets its core principles.

Annual Governance Report 

Annual Governance Reports summarise the findings from the audit and include messages arising from the audit of the council's financial statements. 

Annual Governance Statement 

Annual Governance Statements are the means of reviewing and reporting on the council's overall governance arrangements. 

Audit Findings Report

Audit Findings Reports highlight the key matters arising from the independent audit of the council's financial statements. 

17 October 2019