It is important to appreciate that there is no right to a parking space outside or even near to your property, this includes disabled parking bays, however; the Council does make every reasonable effort to assist individuals with disabled parking bays where a qualifying need can be evidenced.

You can apply for a disabled parking bay if you're a disabled resident and you don't have a driveway or another place to park on your property, and you have difficulty parking outside your home.

Remember the disabled parking bay isn’t reserved for you, it can be used by anyone with a Blue Badge.

Who can apply for a disabled parking bay?

To apply you must:

  • have a blue badge
  • be awarded the mobility component of PIP, DLA or awarded Attendance Allowance, and they must be paid at the enhanced/higher rate
  • and have a car registered at your address (this can be your car, the car of someone that lives with you, a lease car or company car).

If you are a carer or someone who supports the blue badge holder, you can apply on their behalf. The process can take up to 6 months from receiving your application but we always try to install bays as quickly as we can.

When we can't install a disabled parking bay
  • If you don't have a blue badge
  • If you don't own or lease a vehicle or have a company car that you keep at your address overnight.
  • If there are waiting restrictions, such as double yellow lines, outside your home
  • If there are traffic calming measures, such as speed humps, outside your home
  • If you have a driveway or garage - however the council may be able to provide a H marking across the entrance to the driveway to highlight to other motorists that access is required to your property
  • If there’s enough space on your property to park your car, or to create a space where you could park a car
  • If the road is less than 5.5 metres wide
  • If the provision of a bay would obstruct the flow of traffic
  • If the provision of a bay could obstruct your neighbours
  • If the area is owned or operated by a housing association – you’ll need to contact the housing association directly
  • If the number of disabled parking bays within any given block of properties within a road exceeds 10% of the number of properties within that block.

We have a 10% rule which states that the number of disabled parking bays in any given block of properties within a road should not exceed 10% of the number of houses within that block.  For example, a block of 30 terraced houses within a road should not have more than 3 disabled parking bays located on it. This is to ensure a balance for all road user’s safety and accessibility, between the desire to protect public highway for disabled parking and parking capacity for other residents

How to apply

The parking bay is intended for a vehicle kept at the address of the blue badge holder and you'll need to provide proof of this when applying.

To apply you'll need to provide evidence of being awarded one of the following:

  • The mobility part of your Personal Independence Payment (PIP) paid at the enhanced rate


  • The mobility component of your Disability Living Allowance (DLA) paid at the higher rate


  • Attendance Allowance paid at the higher rate
  • If you own your car you'll need to provide your V5 or Motability agreement, for leased cars we'll need to see the lease agreement and for company cars you'll need to provide proof from your employer that the company car will be kept at your address overnight
  • your blue badge number and expiry date - You must have a valid blue badge registered in your name

Evidence should be uploaded as a scanned version, or clear digital photos, of your whole award document, which must include the section showing payment at the higher/enhanced rate.

You must provide all of this information and evidence, ideally at the time that you apply, but no later than 21 days from when your application was made. If you don't provide your evidence your application will be closed and you'll need to re-apply. 

After you apply

After you apply we’ll assess the information and evidence you've provided, and complete an inspection of the road at the application address.

We will then consult with your closest neighbours and update you on whether or not a disabled parking bay can be installed.  Following this we will complete any required legal work and inform you of when our contractor is likely to mark the bay.

If we are unable to provide a bay, we’ll explain why.

What change in my circumstances do I need to tell you about?

If you no longer have a valid blue badge, have or will be changing address, or there is no longer a car registered at your home address, please let us know using the contact us form as soon as possible.

How do I withdraw my application if I no longer need the bay?

If you would like to withdraw your application, please let us know by using the contact us form.

If you have a problem with this form, please either attend the contact centre or send a written letter stating your intent to withdraw to:

Traffic Management
Warrington Borough Council
Town Hall
Sankey Street

To prevent fraud, we don't allow withdrawal of an application by phone.

How do I report an unused bay?

If you have noticed a bay that is not used, please let us know using the contact us form.

If you have any difficulty filling in the form or attaching your evidence, please bring your blue badge and evidence to Contact Warrington, and we'll help you

17 November 2022