If you want to get married or form a civil partnership, in Warrington, then this page will help you understand what you need to do next and what choices you have.

Arranging a ceremony

If you want to get married or form a civil partnership in Warrington, then you first need to decide on a venue.

Civil marriage ceremonies may take place at the register office, a premises which is licenced for marriage or you may wish to opt for a religious ceremony and get married in a church

Information on approved venues licenced for marriage

Information on religious ceremonies and getting married in church

Information on ceremonies at Warrington register office

Please note that it is not possible for a civil ceremony to be of a religious nature or to be conducted/registered by a priest or other religious celebrant.

In order to be married, both parties must be 18 or over and not already married or in a civil partnership.

Giving notice of marriage or civil partnership

If you’ve booked a venue, time and date, then last step you need to take, is to complete a legal Notice of Marriage or Civil Partnership at the Register Office in the district where you live - or where at least one of you lives, depending on your immigration status.

Book an appointment with us to give notice

Book and pay for your marriage or civil partnership ceremony

If you want to make the final payment for a ceremony you have already booked, then you can do this online.(please have your booking Id to hand).

If you are getting married, then before you pay for your ceremony, you should ensure you have given notice of marriage

Book and pay for your marriage or civil partnership ceremony

Your choice ceremony

The your choice ceremony package is designed to give you the freedom to celebrate your marriage, your way.

The package involves your entering into a legal marriage through a basic ceremony which will take place at Warrington register office. This will then be followed by a celebratory ceremony at your chosen location within Warrington, without the restriction of having to pick a venue which is licenced for marriage. Your celebratory ceremony could be held wherever you would like it to.

Renew your vows

If you want to mark a special anniversary or simply celebrate your love and commitment, then you can Renew Your Vows

Information about renewing your vows

Civil partnership conversion

Since Wednesday 10 December 2014, couples in a civil partnership have been able to convert their civil partnership into a marriage.

Civil partners will be able to choose to convert in one of two ways.

Find out more about civil partnership conversion 

Apply for premises approval for marriage or civil ceremonies

If you are the owner of premises and you would like to Apply for a Marriage or Civil Ceremony Licence (so you can hold these ceremonies),

Apply for premises approval for marriage and civil ceremonies 

17 June 2024