All pupils should continue to have access to education when they are ill or are unable to attend school for other medical reasons. Schools, local authorities, health professionals and other agencies should work together to support a pupil who cannot attend school for health reasons. Clearly, the need to manage the condition and recovery are a priority but every effort should be made to maintain the child’s education.

Relevant legislation

The Education Act (2002), which gives governing bodies of maintained schools the power to direct pupils from school to attend alternative provision

Children, Schools and Families Act (2010), which places a duty on local authorities to make arrangements for children of compulsory school age. Children who are unable to attend school for medical reasons and continue their education unless arrangements have been made for them to do so.

The council's medical tuition team provides tuition for those pupils who cannot attend school for medical reasons.

Proposed guidance to schools - recommended arrangements for pregnant pupils

Suggested guidelines to support schools to plan effectively for girls becoming pregnant who are of statutory school age:

  • Pastoral lead to arrange home visit with School Health Adviser to establish plan to support the young person before and after the birth of the baby. Also consider if a referral to another agency e.g. Careers for Young People service, is appropriate as part of this plan
  • The young person should remain in full time education until the week 32 of pregnancy unless medical advice is given to the contrary. However, it is advised that schools are flexible with their approach to individual cases and work in collaboration with other agencies
  • From 32-34 weeks up to 10 hours per week tuition can be provided by the Medical Tuition Service to enable the young person to continue school work. School should complete a home tuition referral form to access this support
  • When baby is six weeks old, tuition can resume for 10 hours per week for six weeks. A reintegration meeting should be arranged by the school to plan for a smooth reintegration back into school life. All relevant agencies should be invited to be part of this support plan
  • A careful assessment of the circumstances of the young person should be made to agree a date for the young person to return to school, with childcare being thoroughly explored.

The above is guidance for schools, however the young person’s views should be considered at each stage of the planning.

For further information or advice please contact Millie Webster, Pupil Support Co-ordinator, on 01925 442928.

9 January 2020