Most full time students cannot claim housing benefit or council tax support. However, there are some exceptions.

Full time students who can claim housing benefit:

  • if you're a lone parent
  • if you are receiving income support, employment and support allowance or income-based jobseekers allowance
  • if you are disabled or been awarded a disabled student’s allowance due to deafness
  • if you are under 20 and doing a course of further education (but not higher education)
  • if you live with a partner who is also a student and you have dependent children
  • if you are a pensioner, aged 60 or more.

If you qualify for housing benefit then you can claim during the holidays, but if your benefit is to pay for accommodation just to be near your college, you cannot claim for any week you are away.

If you are living in halls of residence you cannot claim for the period of study, the only exception is where the college rents your accommodation for your use.

You must tell us the number of weeks there are in your academic year.

Loan and grant income

If you are eligible for a loan or have been awarded a grant we will assume that you are receiving these payments, whether or not you are actually receiving them.

If you do receive a loan you must send us your letter showing the full breakdown.

The rules for students claiming housing benefits are very complicated, please call us if you need further information - 01925 443210.


3 February 2023