In October 2015, we undertook a statutory consultation on the Community Infrastructure Levy Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule (PDCS).

The consultation was undertaken between 20 October and 2 December 2015. We received a total of 20 representations from developers, landowners, parish councils and other community groups.

We commissioned further viability work to assist in reviewing technical issues included in consultation representations as well as updating market information from the baseline viability assessment and review potential viability implications arising from the Housing and Planning Act 2016.

The consultants concluded that there were no viability issues raised by developers during the consultation which necessitated revising the proposed charges.

The additional viability work did however identify that the requirement to provide Starter Homes under the Housing and Planning Act 2016 could enable us to increase its proposed charges. However, until the Starter Homes Regulations are published in their final form, we can't be sure of exactly what the viability implications are. Given the scale of the potential impact of Starter Homes on development viability it's not considered to be in our best interest to progress to the Draft Charging Schedule stage at this time.

CIL will now be introduced in parallel with the forthcoming review of the Local Plan.

As this will delay the introduction of CIL, we've prepared a draft Planning Obligations SPD to set out how we'll negotiate S106 planning obligations in the interim period. 

View all the supplementary planning documents.

19 April 2024