Childcare Support
Food support
Working with

If your child is eligible for free school meals (you can get more information or apply for Free School Meals here), they’ll also qualify for the Holiday Activity and Food Programme (HAF). You have to apply before each holiday. You can sign your child onto the HAF programme here 

The HAF Programme is an exciting new scheme, funded by the Department for Education, giving children in England who are eligible for free school meals the opportunity to take part in fun, enriching, school holiday activities.

We work with local schools, voluntary and community organisations as well as childcare providers to deliver the HAF programme to over 2,000 eligible pupils in Warrington. Places on the holiday schemes are available free of charge to children aged 5 to 16 who receive free school meals, but children and young people of all ages and backgrounds are welcome to attend. Each local programme will provide delicious, healthy meals, allow kids to get active, help them learn new things, make friends and have fun.

10 November 2023