Flooding in Warrington
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They are lots of ways to make your water bill more affordable, call 0800 072 6765 or complete our online form at https://www.unitedutilities.com/difficulty-paying-bill and we will call you back.
Some of the ways United Utilities can support you with your water bill payments include:
Back on track: if you’re either receiving benefits or on a low income and finding it difficult to pay your water bill following a change in financial circumstances, this scheme can reduce the amount you have to pay.
WaterSure: if you have a water meter, receive benefits and use a lot of water due to ill health or having a large family, they can cap your annual bill regardless of how much water you need to use.
Help to pay: receiving Pension Credit? If so you could be eligible for a discounted bill.
Cheaper with a meter: the majority of customers who switch to a meter save at least £150 a year. You can trial a meter for two years and during that time the company guarantees that you won’t pay more. Money Saving Expert Martin Lewis says a meter could save you money if there are more bedrooms in your home than people, or even the same number, read more here https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/utilities/cut-water-bills
Payment break: if you have a low income or receive benefits and are struggling due to losing your job or having to pay out for an unexpected household emergency, the company can delay your bill payments for an agreed period of time.
Full details about our support schemes can be found at https://www.unitedutilities.com/difficulty-paying-bill or call 0800 072 6765.