Procurement is a key activity of the council.

Around £150m each year is procured through external providers who deliver a range of goods, services and work for the council and its customers. 

The information provided is based on practices within the council and follows standard practice throughout local authorities and central government.

Our procurement practices:

  • are transparent, auditable and reasonable
  • comply with all relevant and current EU and UK law and follow best practice
  • support the council's strategic priorities throughout the procurement process
  • ensure value for money
  • promote the development of a partnering approach, whilst ensuring market stimulation and sustainability
  • encourage local businesses, smaller enterprises and the third sector to engage with us and compete for council work

This authority is under a duty to protect the public funds it administers, and to this end may use any information collected, in the course of providing services, for the prevention and detection of fraud.

It may also share this information with other bodies responsible for auditing or administering public funds.

Our procurement strategy

30 April 2024