The evidence base documents which have informed the Proposed Submission Version Local Plan can be viewed below:

Development Options and Site Assessment Technical Report

In preparing the draft plan we've considered various options for where development could go and assessed individual sites in detail. This report details how this has been carried out.

Equalities Impact Assessment

In order to ensure that proposals within the draft local plan do not discriminate against any disadvantaged or vulnerable groups we've carried out an Equalities Impact Assessment.

Garden Suburb Development Framework

We've carried out some detailed work to explore how much development is realistic in the Garden Suburb, to further identify development options and infrastructure requirements and to demonstrate that the allocation in the Plan is deliverable. The framework illustrates how Local Plan policy requirements could be met and it provides evidence base to support the Local Plan. It should be noted that the framework document and the plans within it are purely illustrative. They have no formal planning status and are not approved as Council Policy

Green Belt Assessment

We've undertaken an assessment of each site submitted by developers in terms of how important the site is for Warrington’s green belt. NOTE: It's been drawn to our attention that the actual assessments for some sites are missing from the assessment reports even though the sites have been mapped and the conclusion of the assessment shown.  Two additional reports have been provided that contain the missing assessments and a series of plans to help locate the individual sites.

Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Accommodation Assessment

We've carried out an assessment of the needs of Gypsy, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople over the next 15 years in conjunction with our neighbouring authorities in Cheshire.

Habitat Regulations Assessment

We've undertaken an assessment of the likely impact of development proposed within the draft local plan on protected European Habitat designations.

Infrastructure Delivery Plan

We've identified the types of infrastructure needed to support the development proposed in the draft local plan. Where possible, we've identified costs and delivery partners.

Local Plan Viability Assessment

We've carried out an assessment to ensure that the draft local plan policy requirements are viable and that infrastructure required to support the plan can be delivered.

Local Development Scheme

 The Local Development Scheme (LDS) sets out the timetable for the local development documents that the Council will be producing.

Local Housing Needs Assessment

We've looked at the number and type of new homes needed in the Borough over the plan period, along with the need for affordable and specialist housing.

Minerals and Waste

We've looked at the location of important minerals and mineral transportation, handling and processing infrastructure across the Borough and also carried out an assessment of how we deal with waste.

Port Warrington Development Framework

The site promoters of Port Warrington have carried out detailed work to demonstrate the need for the expansion of the Port facility and identify the constraints and propose mitigation for any impacts.

Responding to Representations Report

We've summarised the consultation process which has informed the preparation of the Local Plan and demonstrated how all responses received have been taken into account.

Retail and Leisure Study update

We've undertaken as assessment of the Borough’s retail and leisure needs over the plan period.

Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment

Our new Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) that identifies committed and planned housing land supply over the next 15 years, including permissions and completions up to 31.03.18.

Site Assessment Proformas

We've carried out site assessments for all employment sites, settlement sites and additional sites considered as part of the options assessment for the main urban area.

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment

We've looked at areas of flood risk from all sources of flooding across the Borough and used this information to inform the draft local plan.

Sustainability Appraisal

We've carried out an assessment of the sustainability of the draft local plan as a whole as well as assessing specific sites and policies.

Warrington Economic Development Needs Assessment
Warrington Multi Modal Transport Model Local Plan Reports

We've developed a Multi Modal Transport Model to estimate and assess the impacts of the proposed levels of growth across the Borough and identify any required supporting infrastructure.

Urban Capacity
20 December 2023