The Land Terrier is a record of the Council’s land and property assets.  Information is held on digital maps and also in the Corporate Asset Database. 

If you want to find out if the Council owns a piece of land or a particular property you will need to tell us:

  • Your name and contact details 
  • The name of the company, if you’re enquiring as a business representative
  • The number/name of the property you’re enquiring about
  • The address, description and location of the property
  • Why you need to know who owns the property

We’ll only ever use this information to deliver the service that you’ve requested.

Privately owned land and property

The Council only holds records of its own land and property assets.  If you want to find ownership information for other areas of land or property, then you should contact The Land Registry.  They hold details of all land and property that has been registered with them.  A small fee maybe charged for providing this information.

Unregistered land or property

If the Land Registry does not hold the ownership information then this means that the land has not been registered with them.  They have provided some tips on how you may be able to find out who owns an unregistered piece of land or property.

9 January 2023