Photo of ZEBRA bus

Our all-electric bus fleet is on the way

The countdown has officially begun to the arrival of Warrington’s all electric bus fleet.

Replacing Warrington’s Own Buses’ entire fleet of diesel buses from 2024, it will give us one of the biggest electric bus fleets of any town or city in the UK to date.

The state-of-the-art Volvo BZL Electric, which will soon be making Warrington its home, provides clean, near-silent, comfortable and efficient public transport. It is built to a high safety standard and complies with the toughest restrictions on emissions and noise.

Launched in 2021, the zero-tailpipe emissions vehicle features low interior noise, making it easier for passengers to talk to others or listen to music during the ride, with the driver also benefiting from a calm and quiet workspace. The silent propulsion also reduces noise for residents along the route.

Our new buses will be housed and charged at our brand new bus depot on Dallam Lane, delivered as part of our Town Deal. Our green commitments will also see the buses charged by renewable energy.

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28 May 2024