We spread grit when the Met Office forecasts frost or icy conditions, to try and stop ice from forming on the roads. We aim to have the grit lorries loaded within one hour.
When do we grit?
Duty officers monitor the weather 24 hours a day and treat the highway when it's needed.
Detailed forecasts are provided by a meteorologist provider daily. The forecast gives predictions of the possibility of freezing road temperatures, snow, rain etc and the time that these conditions are likely to occur. This enables us to decide if or when gritting will be carried out.
Warrington has its own weather station with sensors that provide information on air temperature, road temperature and surface conditions. This data is used to provide forecasts which are specific to Warrington. We also have access to data from other sensors within the surrounding areas.
Due to our vast road network, it's not always possible to treat every road. Therefore we prioritise roads and bus routes that form most of our primary gritting routes. We use a fleet of five gritting vehicles to grit the network in five pre-planned routes, spreading a total of 1700 tonnes of salt during an average winter. It will typically take each vehicle three to four hours to complete their route.