Halloween can be lots of fun for children and young people, but please remember it can also be distressing and intimidating for some people. If you're going trick or treating, please be respectful and consider others. Let’s make sure everyone stays safe and has fun.

Tips for trick-or-treaters


  • go alone - go trick-or-treating in a group with friends and family, and with at least one responsible adult
  • go into houses - stay on the doorstep
  • play pranks or damage property - you could be arrested and end up with a criminal record
  • demand money or intimidate people
  • throw anything, like eggs or flour - again, you could be arrested


  • be polite - don't go out too late, and only knock/ring the doorbell once
  • take 'no' for an answer
  • take a responsible adult
  • take care when crossing roads - more accidents happen in the dark
  • be seen - wear bright, reflective clothing or carry a torch
  • wrap up warm - the nights are getting cold!

Tips for residents

Cheshire Police have some handy posters which you can put up outside or in your window to show whether you’re accepting trick-or-treaters or not.

Report anti-social behaviour by calling 101

31 January 2023