Anxiety UK was formed in 1970, by Katharine and Harold Fisher as a result of Katharine’s experience of agoraphobia and her desire to develop support for others similarly affected.

Since those early beginnings, we’ve grown to become a national organisation with an international reach, whilst retaining a user-led ethos – being run by and for those with anxiety.  Many of our small staff team have their own lived experience and understand the distress, isolation and misery that anxiety can cause.

In 2020, to celebrate and recognise Anxiety UK’s 50th anniversary, the artist Degard was commissioned to create a painting that captured both the history of the organisation, some of the key people involved over the years and the spirit of what we aim to achieve – to help make the despair caused by anxiety a thing of the past. The painting was unveiled on World Mental Health Day (2020) and now hangs proudly in our boardroom, providing a lasting reflection of the people who have made Anxiety UK what it is today.

Anxiety UK delivers a wide range of services including:

The charity also operates a popular membership scheme.

Anxiety UK, Nunes House, 447 Chester Road, Manchester
M16 9HA
Anxiety or depression
Children and Young People
Frontline workers
Older adults
Last modified
31 May 2024

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