The Warrington Hate Crime Action Alliance has approved its strategy for 2020-2023.


To celebrate inclusion, champion fairness and respect, and challenge hate

Our aims

  • Getting along - to promote and encourage greater interaction and understanding between people from different backgrounds
  • Critical allyTo act as a critical ally to Cheshire Police and other partners to make sure that people are treated with respect and decisions are fair.
  • Challenging hateTo actively challenge all forms of hate, promote greater awareness of hate crime and encourage people to report it.

Our values

  • We believe that everybody should value individuality and difference, treat each other with respect and kindness and build good relations with people from different backgrounds.
  • We believe that people should trust the police and have the confidence to report hate crime and other types of crime. We also believe that the public should support the police in their role to combat and prevent crime.
  • We believe that everybody has the right to feel safe and is not subjected to hate crime and discrimination because of their ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual orientation or gender expression.

We Will:

  • Champion and support targeted community initiatives such as Disability Awareness Day, the Mela etc.
  • Work with the police and our partners to ensure that procedures are fair and respectful and victims of hate crime are supported.
  • Celebrate the work of schools in tackling hate crime and discrimination through the annual Wise Up awards scheme
  • Promote the work of the group at every opportunity and actively challenge hate crime.
  • Meet on a regular basis
3 February 2023