Living well

In order to live and age well and to continue to enjoy a good quality of life with meaning, purpose and a sense of belonging, we need to remember to:

  • Exercise for 150 minutes a week, such as brisk walking or cycling.  Aim to do strengthening exercises at least twice a week, such as heavy gardening, carry heavy shopping or resistance training
  • Stay connected so we do not become isolated
  • Plan ahead so give financial security for the added years
  • Maintain meaning and purpose, perhaps through supporting others
  • Stay resilient, keep learning and build cognitive reserves by stimulating our brains

For more information and resources on how to live well visit our Living Well webpage

Extra support for the elderly

As we get older, health risks can increase. Always attend appointments if you are invited for a health check and keep up to date with screening tests and vaccines.

You can also call adult social care on 01925 443322 to discuss your needs and what services might be available to support you.

Services which can be accessed through adult social care include:

  • Carecall social alarm service
  • Telecare
  • Support for people with sensory loss
  • Equipment and housing adaptations
  • Support with managing finances and benefit checks
  • Extra care housing
  • Support for carers
  • Talking points

Voluntary and third party organisations

There are a number of organisations which support people by offering advice and practical assistance to help people stay at home and live independently for as long as possible.

Services that can be accessed direct or via Adult Social Care:

Check your benefits

A benefit check can save you money and help with your overall health and wellbeing.

Various organisations provide benefit checks, such as:

19 July 2023