Leaf fall clearance takes place from November through to January

  • Leaves are collected on a schedule
  • Leaves that fall in highly used areas, such as a shopping precinct will be collected and removed on a priority basis

Between November and January, our priority is to clear footways and carriageway channel lines to minimise the disruption to highway users and the associated risks of flooding due to leaves blocking the highway drainage systems.

Each area has a priority leaf clearing schedule based on historical information and sites with numerous trees. Repeat visits are sometimes necessary since trees shed their leaves over an extended period. However, these repeat visits place pressure on our available resources. 

To compensate for this resource during this period, we combine our other operational areas to tackle the leaf fall. Unfortunately, this means a reduction in our capacity to treat gully cleansing and general road sweeping.  

To report priority area for leaf fall please use the online form and tell us:

  • The location of the leaf fall
  • The nature of the problem e.g. Is it causing an obstruction
27 July 2021