The Local Development Scheme (LDS) is the ninth LDS document we've produced.

It was approved by the Council’s Cabinet  at their meeting on the 13th September 2021 and came into effect on 21st September 2021.

The LDS describes what we're going to do to prepare new and revised planning policies as part of Warrington’s Local Planning Framework. Preparation and review of the LDS is a mandatory requirement under the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 as amended by the Localism Act 2011.

The updated LDS sets out a detailed programme for the review of the Local Plan in order to accommodate the new homes and jobs required to meet Warrington’s development needs over the period to 2038.

The update of the LDS has been prompted due to the revisions made to the Plan following the 2019 Regulation 19 consultation. These revisions have necessitated a further period of Regulation 19 consultation on an updated Proposed Submission Version Local Plan and thus a delay to the timetable set out in the previous LDS

The LDS programme includes consultation milestones to inform the public, landowners, developers and other key stakeholders about opportunities to get involved in the plan making process and to let them know the likely dates for involvement.

A review of progress on the programme set out in the LDS together with the monitoring of adopted Local Plan policies is undertaken each year and included within the our Annual Monitoring Report (AMR).

19 April 2024