Photo collage of actions you can take to combat the Climate Emergency

Commitments to Act

We’re encouraging residents, businesses, organisations and community groups to play their part by taking action to help put things right. Do your bit by making a pledge to help us on our mission for Warrington to be net zero by 2041. 

By pledging an action which will reduce your carbon footprint, you will join a growing community in Warrington who are committed to tackling the climate emergency. 

My Commitment to Act

If you are committed to doing your bit, in any way you can, then pledge your Commitment to Act.

I am making a Commitment to Act

I pledge to make carbon-conscious decisions, to reduce my own carbon footprint and to support Warrington’s climate emergency action.

I pledge on behalf of my organisation to make carbon-conscious decisions, to reduce our carbon footprint and to support Warrington’s climate emergency action.

Your email address will only be used to contact you for the purposes of providing updates about the campaign through our e-newsletter. It will not be used for any other purpose and you can ask to be removed from the mailing list at any point by emailing [email protected]

Need some inspiration?

Check out some simple steps that you can take, to play your part to combat the climate emergency.

Sharing your Commitments To Act

We'd like to be able to share and celebrate your commitments. This means that we might take your commitments and share them through our channels. By submitting a Commitment To Act, you give consent that we can use your first name/ name of your organisation as part of our climate emergency communications work.

Read more about our Privacy Policy.

Follow our social media accounts

Have you recently pledged your commitment to act for the Climate Emergency? Or are looking for more inspiration on how you can reduce your carbon footprint?
Follow Warrington’s Count Me In social media accounts for regular tips, inspiration and more information on what you can do to make a difference.

@CMI_Warrington on Twitter 
Count Me In on Facebook 

29 July 2024

Climate emergency newsletter

Sign up for the climate emergency newsletter to stay up to date with news, events and actions you can take to help make Warrington a better place to live!

By subscribing you consent to receive the Warrington climate emergency newsletter from Warrington Borough Council. If you change your mind about receiving information from us, you will have the opportunity to opt out every time we contact you. If you would like to know more about how we hold and use your information, please see our Privacy Policy.