Woolston CRC

When visiting community recycling centres (CRCs) over Christmas, you must bring proof that you live in Warrington such as a driving licence, council tax bill, or utility bill.

Community Recycling Centres in a number of neighbouring authorities will be closed over Christmas, due to industrial action. When this has happened in the past, it has led to an influx of residents from outside Warrington trying to dispose of their waste here, which puts a strain and financial burden on the council’s facilities.

Therefore, to ensure Warrington’s CRCs are being used by people who reside in the borough, everyone must show proof of address upon arrival at any of the three CRCs – Gatewarth, Stockton Heath and Woolston.

Gatewarth is open 8am to 6pm throughout the year, Woolston is open 10am to 4pm weekdays and 8am to 6pm at weekends, and Stockton Heath is open 10am to 4pm weekdays and 8am to 4pm at weekends.

All of the centres will be closed on Christmas Day, Boxing Day, and New Year’s Day.

For information about what you can and can’t recycle, or to find your nearest recycling centre, visit the bins, waste and recycling sections of our website – warrington.gov.uk/bins.

16 August 2023