City status

Warrington will formally bid for city status as part of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations, following Cabinet approval.

This will be the first time in 10 years that Her Majesty has awarded ‘city status’ civic honours and is an opportunity for Warrington to showcase its civic pride, heritage, community spirit and innovation.

In forming the bid, public engagement was carried out including a survey and a series of stakeholder discussions with local organisations, and community and business leaders.

Leader of the Council, Cllr Russ Bowden, said: “Bidding for city status gives us a rare and exciting opportunity to build on our strengths and to formally recognise Warrington’s existing and future profile - both in the North West and further afield.

“We have an incredible story to tell – look at how far we have come over the last 50 years. We want to keep developing as a strong, sustainable, inclusive and unique community, and I equally think that our economic profile deserves recognition too.

“City status would therefore provide a platform for us to be seen and recognised as a place of proud heritage, unique civic pride and traditions, alongside acknowledging the innovation, partnership-working and economic output that match, and exceed, many existing cities in the country.

“It’s clear from the engagement we have done with the public and our stakeholders that bidding for city status isn’t for everyone, but the feedback we’ve received shows that our younger residents in particular – the next generation of Warringtonians – look favourably on the merits of city status. The bid therefore, and the prospect of city status, is a huge opportunity for the next generation of people who will live, work and visit here, as well as also recognising Warrington’s current profile and standing.

“In forming our bid, we have considered our vision for a ‘future Warrington’ and want to ensure that we use the opportunity of the rare and prestigious honour of bidding for city status as a platform to celebrate the best of our borough.

“Warrington is a warm, welcoming place and deserves the recognition that city status would bring.”

16 August 2023