LiveWire library

The council has successfully brought leisure, libraries and lifestyle services provided by LiveWire back ‘in-house’.

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This means that from Friday 1 March, the council has direct control over services that were previously provided by LiveWire CiC.

Cabinet member for leisure and community, Cllr Tony Higgins, said: “We have achieved a major milestone by bringing leisure, libraries and lifestyle services back into direct control of the council.

“While this is indeed a big moment for many reasons, we expect very little to change for the people who use our valuable leisure, libraries and lifestyle services. You’ll still be able to access the same facilities, and the LiveWire brand is here to stay. LiveWire staff have transferred to the council too, so you’ll still see the same friendly faces you’re used to seeing across LiveWire’s different facilities.

“In short, all of the normal services our communities have been accessing, will continue to look and feel the same.

“We are fully committed to providing quality services that enrich and support our residents and communities. Bringing the services provided by LiveWire back in-house underscores our dedication to that mission.”

1 March 2024