Bridge across the Manchester ship canal

An Extraordinary Council Meeting which took place yesterday, Monday 17 January, passed a motion to oppose the proposals by Peel Ports to increase tolls on Warburton & Rixton Toll Bridge.

Warrington Borough Council set out its objections to the proposals - submitted by Peel Ports to the Secretary of State, under a Transport and Works Act Order – to significantly increase tolls for motorists using the bridge. 

The objections detailed in the motion, and subsequent cross-party discussion during the meeting itself, focused on proposals by Peel Ports to increase the toll from 12p per crossing, to £1. 

The proposed, significant eight-fold increase on the official toll is being strongly contested by the council and a motion opposing the proposals gained unanimous approval from all elected members. The objection will now be sent to the Secretary of State. 

Cllr Mundry said: “Warburton Toll Bridge has been need of investment for a long time – and while we welcome any investment in upgrading the bridge, motorists should absolutely not bear the brunt of these costs. 

“We are extremely concerned that the public are being asked to pay the price – through a significant price hike – for the lack of consistent investment into the bridge over the years. 

“This is not fair on residents, businesses and commuters who rely on the bridge, and who are already facing increased day-to-day financial pressures due to the cost of living crisis, higher energy bills and more. 

“We strongly oppose the toll increase, which is incredibly high and will have a real impact on local people. I’m pleased that the motion was unanimously approved and we will now continue to push ahead with our firm opposition to any increase in tolls.”

16 August 2023