LiveWire public space

Following Cabinet approval, the council is continuing preparations to insource leisure, libraries and lifestyle services provided by LiveWire, with a target date of March 2024.

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This latest approval, following initial Cabinet consent in July 2023 to progress plans to insource, gives clear direction that services run by LiveWire will ultimately be brought back into direct control by the council.

Cabinet member for leisure and community, Cllr Tony Higgins, said: “I’m pleased that Cabinet has continued to confirm its strong commitment to insourcing services provided by LiveWire.

“As I’ve said before, insourcing these services is the only realistic and palatable option we have.  Not proceeding with insourcing plans would put at risk a number of local jobs and vital services that many of our residents and families rely on.

“Importantly, insourcing means that customers should expect to see little change in how they currently access the leisure, libraries and lifestyle services currently provided by LiveWire, ensuring that these very good – and in some cases award-winning – facilities will continue to be offered to our residents.”


9 January 2024