
Warrington Borough Council has joined calls for an immediate, permanent and bilateral Gaza ceasefire.


At the meeting of the Full Council on Monday 17 June, a joint motion received unanimous support by all ward councillors.

The motion, which recognises Warrington as a beacon of peace, agreed that all group leaders will write to Government to:

  • Request that the UK joins other nations and brings children, who require urgent and lifesaving medical treatment because of the Gaza conflict, to the UK to access high-quality treatment in the NHS
  • Call for an urgent permanent, bilateral ceasefire in Gaza, Israel and the rest of Palestine and to make every effort to resume the peace process
  • Uphold international humanitarian law, to ensure that civilians are protected in accordance with those laws
  • Request both sides allow humanitarian access to hostages in Gaza, to provide urgent medical aid to the elderly, the sick and the wounded and to ensure all civilians have access to support, including unfettered access to medical supplies, food, electricity, other fuel, and water
  • Call on the UK Government to do all in its powers to support those that are committed to a permanent peace
  • Requests the return of all hostages

The motion condemned anti-Semitic and Islamophobic violence and abuse in the UK.

The motion also stated the importance of Warrington standing ready to support innocent people displaced by the conflict.

Equally, it was recognised that residents affected by the conflict locally should be able to access appropriate support, further noting that people of all faiths and none may wish to come together to express solidarity and sadness in response to the events.

21 June 2024