Thara Raj

Warrington’s Director of Public Health, Thara Raj, has published her first Public Health Annual Report (PHAR) for Warrington.

The report predominantly focuses on the local impact of COVID-19, the longer-term impacts of the pandemic, and the resilience and spirit of Warrington’s residents and organisations despite the challenges of the last two years.

Producing an annual report is a statutory requirement of local Directors of Public Health and the reports are used to inform local people about the general health of their communities, as well as providing information and opinion about the big local health challenges and inequalities.

This year’s PHAR focuses on Warrington’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic – including the work of health partners, key workers, community groups and businesses – shining a light on the personal stories of people and groups who have all played their part to support the residents of Warrington throughout the pandemic.

Equally, the PHAR looks at wider challenges caused by the pandemic, including its effect on people’s mental health and emotional wellbeing, how schools and other educational settings adapted, and the impact of local businesses.

The rapid rollout of Warrington’s vaccination programme, and the successful establishment of the local community testing and contact tracing services are also described within the report.

Director of public health, Thara Raj, said: “This year’s annual report is significant as it is my first since coming to Warrington, and it is made all the more poignant as it reflects on the huge collective spirit, resilience and togetherness of residents and organisations in the face of the pandemic, which for many has at times caused huge distress and difficulty.

“We have been through a lot as a town, and the PHAR describes some of the challenges we faced, and uncovers the stories of some of the people who have played their part to make a difference.

“There are almost too many people to thank, given the lengths so many people and groups have gone to over the last couple of years, but I hope the PHAR does justice to the collective work and dedication of the people of Warrington.

“We also need to acknowledge the challenges, barriers and widening inequalities the pandemic has brought about. In this respect, the hard work starts now.”

You can read the full Public Health Annual Report 2021/22 on the council’s website.

16 August 2023