Assorted pre-packed sandwiches

Local businesses are being invited to join a free online workshop about the law change to labelling pre-packed food items that took effect in early October.

Trading Standards departments in Cheshire East, Cheshire West and Chester and Warrington are inviting local businesses to a free workshop to help them comply with crucial laws and regulations around food allergens and labelling.

The workshop comes after adjustments to labelling requirements for allergy information and foods that are ‘pre-packed for sale’ came into force from 1 October.

The changes, more commonly known as ‘Natasha’s Law’, affect a large number of hospitality businesses, including takeaways, bakeries, sandwich shops and more.

The law was changed after a campaign following the passing of Natasha Ednan-Laperouse, a teenager who died after suffering an allergic reaction to an undeclared ingredient in a pre-packed meal.

Pre-packed for direct sale (PPDS) is food that is packaged at the same place it is offered or sold to consumers, and is in this packaging before it is ordered or selected.

The changes will require PPDS food to be labelled with the name of the food and a full comprehensive ingredients list, with the allergenic ingredients emphasised.

Cllr Hitesh Patel, cabinet member for environment, housing and public protection, said: “The new requirements not only help consumers to make well-informed choices when purchasing food products, but also helps to keep them safe.

“The changes affect most hospitality businesses regardless of their size. As such, it’s important that Warrington businesses are fully aware of the changes and are confident knowing what is required of them.

“We’re encouraging all affected businesses to sign up to this free seminar to help understand what’s required of them and have any questions answered.”

For businesses to sign up for the online workshop taking place on the Wednesday 10 November, 2.30pm – 4pm, book a place on Eventbrite. There will be an opportunity to submit any questions in advance.

The Food Standards Agency has published dedicated guidance, videos and examples on their website at

Further guidance for businesses can found on the Food Standards Agency website at

16 August 2023