Alpaca's at Walton Hall

Adopt one of the incredible animals from the Walton Hall and Gardens children’s zoo.

If you’re struggling to think of a unique present for your animal loving family member or friend, the Walton Hall and Gardens animal adoption scheme is here for you!

For just £20, you can pick which of the many adorable animals at the children’s zoo you’d like to support – alpaca, peacock, pig, goat, donkey or red squirrels – the choice is yours.

From the adorable donkeys, Lenny and Charlie, down to the super furry smaller animals, your support is invaluable to the children’s zoo.

Animal adoption helps the zoo afford luxury items for their animals, such as shelter for the alpacas, Herdwick sheep and ornamental waterfowl.

With your generous support, the zoo has been able to put up new squirrel sheds, purchased an incubator, rugs and a harness for the donkeys, installed a set of ornamental entrance gates, and purchased the lovebird aviary, feed troughs and veterinary scales.

Cllr Tony Higgins, cabinet member for community and leisure said: “Not only is it a perfect Christmas gift, but the animal adoption programme at Walton Hall and Gardens helps us to go the extra mile for all the animals that live at the children’s zoo.

“Thank you to everyone who has already adopted one of our amazing animals either for themselves or on behalf of someone else. It makes a world of difference for all the creatures in our care and you can adopt at any time of the year.”

You can buy an adoption pack as a gift for someone else or a little treat to yourself! It includes:

  • A fact pack about the animal you’ve adopted, a certificate, picture of your animal and a cuddly toy
  • Celebration card from the chosen animal on the adopters birthday (or on another special date)
  • Special adoption evenings where you, or the gift recipient, can chat with the keepers about the animal or bird you have adopted
  • Your name or the recipient’s name on our adoption board!

Make sure to purchase your adoption pack by Tuesday 14 December to make sure you receive it in time for Christmas!

Find out more about animal adoption at the children’s zoo at


16 August 2023