Graphic of map of Warrington, showing icons for local amenities.

People are being invited to share their views on three new documents aimed at ensuring development in Warrington is well-planned, well-designed, environmentally friendly, and supported by the required infrastructure.

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Town Centre

The Council is consulting on three draft Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs), to provide additional detail on the expectations for new development, following the adoption of the Local Plan.

The documents are:

  • Planning Obligations SPD – which aims to secure contributions from development towards new and improved infrastructure – including schools, health facilities, open space, sports facilities, biodiversity and transport infrastructure.
  • Environmental Protection SPD – which set out the Council’s technical standards and requirements to address Air Quality, Contaminated Land, Noise Pollution and Light Pollution.
  • Warrington Design Guide SPD – setting out the Council’s expectations and requirements for the high quality design of new buildings, streets and open spaces.

The draft SPDs were published on Wednesday 13 December, and people are now being invited to take part in the consultation to share their views on the documents.

As the consultation is taking place over the Christmas period, the Council has increased the consultation period from the minimum four weeks up to eight weeks, with consultation closing at 5pm on Wednesday 7 February 2024.

Following the end of the consultation period, the Council will consider all representations that have been made and take these into account before approving the final SPDs. It is anticipated that the SPDs will be approved in summer 2024.

Warrington Borough Council's, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for sustainability, climate change, housing and planning, Cllr Janet Henshaw, said: “We want to make Warrington an attractive, thriving and sustainable place for everyone. Our SPD documents will play an important part in that, by setting the framework for future development.

“They will provide guidance for developers and set out our expectations for development which is well designed, protects the environment and is supported by the right infrastructure and community facilities.

“Our SPDs set out the principles through which we will enable the high-quality, sustainable development we want to see in Warrington. Please take part in our consultation and let us know your views on these important documents. All views will be taken on board.”

For more information, to read the documents in full and take part in the consultation, visit

15 December 2023