Summerland tragedy memorial

Warrington Borough Council is remembering the victims of the Summerland disaster 50 years on, which took the lives of 50 people, including two Warrington residents.


Alan Barker, from Fearnhead, and Sean Kelly, from Woolston, were both killed when a fire destroyed the Summerland leisure complex on the Isle of Man on 2 August 1973.

A memorial service to mark the 50th anniversary of the fire disaster was recently held in Douglas, the Isle of Man’s capital, with a number of other memorial events and reflections held over the past week.

The Mayor of Warrington, Cllr Steve Wright, said: “This week there will be many communities who will reflect and remember those affected by the Summerland fire disaster – one of the most disastrous fires in UK history.

“As a council we join this remembrance of everyone who was affected by the tragedy, but in particular our thoughts remain with Alan Barker and Sean Kelly’s family and loved ones.

Honorary Freeman of Warrington, Mike Hannon, said: “I knew both Alan and Sean well, and Sean and I were apprentice bricklayers together. 50 years on from this disaster, I keep them and their families in my thoughts and as I reflect on the tragic events that unfolded that day.”

To this day, the Summerland fire tragedy remains the Isle of Man’s biggest disaster.

17 August 2023