Greenwood community garden

A run-down children’s play area at Greenwood Community Centre has been transformed into a community garden.

The council’s neighbourhoods team worked in partnership local councillors and the Cheshire Wildlife Foundation (CWF) to create a community gardening group and wilderness tots sessions at the recently transformed community garden at the centre on Greenwood Crescent in Orford.

The transformation included the creation of a ‘tot’s site’, installation of new raise flower beds, and painting of the railings around the site. These works were undertaken by staff from Sellafield Ltd as part of their Graduate Day scheme within local communities.

The CWF also secured funding from the people’s postcode lottery to support the project, which they helped with for six weeks, and will return again in the Spring.

The community centre now hosts weekly friendship hubs for local people. Anyone interested in getting involved in gardening is encouraged to attend to use the new outdoor facility, meet new people, and enjoy light refreshments.

The centre is also home to a ‘nature tot’s’ project, which welcomes around 25 children each week and enables youngsters to play outside in a safe and welcoming environment.

Cllr Tony Higgins, cabinet member for leisure and communities, said “It’s fantastic to see a once retired play area refurbished into an outdoor space that can once again be enjoyed by children and families, as well as local adults who are keen to get involved in gardening.

“I’d like to thank the team from the CWF, Sellafield Ltd, and local volunteers who have done a wonderful job breathing new life into the area. I hope people make time to come along to see the garden and enjoy it for themselves.”

For more information about community centres in Warrington, visit

16 August 2023