My Town, Our Warrington

Cabinet has approved the business case to support the development of a Digital Enterprise Hub in the town centre, as part of the Warrington Town Deal.

The business case, which will now be submitted to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) to unlock £2.7m, will support plans to create a cutting-edge facility at St James’ business centre that will nurture all aspects of new and emerging digital technologies.

The Digital Enterprise Hub will be a space that supports digital innovation across all disciplines – including artificial intelligence, big data, virtual reality, ecommerce, gaming and automation.

The Hub will cement itself as a destination for digital entrepreneurs, becoming a place that inspires people to learn about new digital technologies, allows new tech to be tested and developed, provides a space for people to network with other digital professionals, and nurtures emerging businesses in the sector.

Cllr Tom Jennings, cabinet member for economic development and innovation, said: “The approval by Cabinet of the Digital Enterprise Hub means that we can move forward with our aspirations to create a sector-leading destination that will, in time, become a recognised centre of digital and tech excellence regionally and nationally – if not internationally.

“The Digital Enterprise Hub will be a place for anyone interested in the sector and will be the go-to place for inventing, creating, testing and playing with new technologies. It will be for school leavers, new graduates, serial entrepreneurs, digital founders, young professionals and for people looking for new challenges – the list of people who will benefit from the Hub is endless.

“There are countless opportunities ahead of us to harness the power of new and emerging digital and disruptive technologies. This will be, without doubt, one of the most exciting, pioneering projects as part of Warrington’s Town Deal programme and I’m pleased to see that there has already been considerable interest in the facility from partners.”

For more information about the Digital Enterprise Hub, or any of the seven key Warrington Town Deal projects, visit


16 August 2023