Cllr Higgins - Toy Appeal 2021

The council’s neighbourhoods in Warrington team is running its Christmas Toy Appeal for the ninth year.

The initiative helps families who are struggling to buy presents for their children. The team is asking for donations of new toys, books, gift vouchers, sweets and chocolates, suitable for children up to the age of 16 – all gifts will be accepted.

All of the families who receive a present will have been referred to the service by health and wellbeing partners across the borough.

Residents can drop off their donations at Orford Community Hub, Festival Avenue or at Orford Jubilee Neighbourhood Hub, Jubilee Way by the 30 November.

Cllr Tony Higgins, cabinet member for leisure and community, said: “Over the last eight years, our communities have supported each other by donating gifts to children of families who are struggling or facing financial hardship.

“The pandemic has had a lasting impact on some people who may have lost loved ones, been made redundant, or are suffering from ill health, so this year it’s more important than ever that we work together to ensure every child in Warrington has a gift to open on Christmas Day.

“It would be fantastic if local people could donate once again so that families in need don’t have to struggle and we can ensure they have a Christmas to remember.”

For more information, contact the neighbourhoods team at or call 07775 024 840.

16 August 2023