Photo of Cllr Les Morgan

Cllr Les Morgan, Latchford West councillor since 2014 and former Mayor of Warrington in 2017/18, has sadly passed away.

Mayor of Warrington, Cllr Jean Flaherty, hailed the enduring impact of Cllr Morgan’s work in the community, serving his residents with devoted commitment.

Cllr Flaherty said: “Cllr Morgan was a true community champion who was highly respected by those who worked with him and benefitted from his dedicated support.

“He was a proud councillor and worked with staunchness to support the residents he represented. He typified everything a local councillor should be – hard working, loyal, committed, and willing to roll up his sleeves.

“He had a great love for Warrington and its people and will be truly missed.”

Representing the Latchford West ward, Cllr Morgan was a former trade union official, long-standing campaigner, and had a particular interest in supporting and protecting the most vulnerable.

He was a founding member of St Werburgh’s Community Hub and had a suite at the hub dedicated in his name, in recognition of his role in the support and development of the centre.

During his Mayoral year, Cllr Morgan raised more than £14,000 for Warrington MS Society, Warrington Street Pastors, Papyrus, and Warrington Foodbank. He was married to wife Gwyn for over 40 years, who was Mayoress throughout his time as Mayor.

He served on a number of committees as councillor, including Development Management Committee, Health Scrutiny Committee and was also chair of the Licensing Committee.

The flag at the Town Hall will fly at half-mast in recognition of Cllr Morgan’s service to the council and to Warrington.

16 August 2023