Textile bank

Changes to service provider for the council textiles banks are in the process of being made.

The old council clothes and shoes containers will be removed and replaced with containers provided by our new contractor. There may be a period of time when there will be no containers on some sites. Disruption changes to the service is temporary and we should have all the new clothes and shoes containers on site by Monday 4 April. Please do not leave bags of clothes/shoes at recycling sites if the containers have been removed.

You can put the following items in the clothes bank:

  • All types of clothing, from coats and jackets to nightwear, underwear and socks. It can be of any size, for adults or children.
  • Shoes, boots, sandals, trainers and pumps, as long as they are in a pair.

These items must be clean, dry and bagged.

Unfortunately, you cannot place the following items into the clothes banks:

  • Any items that are soiled, oily or wet, this applies to all textiles including garments, footwear and textiles. As mentioned, these items can contaminate other acceptable donations in the clothes bank, meaning that less can be recycled.
  • Branded uniforms or work wear
  • Duvets & pillows (pillowcases and duvet covers are fine)
  • Rugs & carpets
  • Large theatre-style curtains
  • Haberdashery, scraps of fabric or rolls of material
  • Electrical goods
  • Toys, books, DVDs, CDs, cassettes and games.
  • Various accessories like handbags, hats, scarves, gloves and belts.
  • Household textiles, including bed linen, towels and light curtains.

To find your nearest clothes recycling station.


16 August 2023