Warrington Borough Council crest

Warrington Borough Council’s new on-line planning system, which aims to bring significant improvements for applicants, residents and staff, has officially launched.

Over the past few weeks, the council has been preparing for the migration from the old system to the new one, by transferring over hundreds of thousands of data entries and documents ­- including responses, reports and decisions.

This work has now been completed and the new software is live and fully operational.

The launch of the new system goes hand-in-hand with a new way of operating for mainstream applications. People will now find it far easier to access a range of planning information on-line and monitor the progress of applications, on a self-serve basis.

The new system will also bring benefits to the council’s planning team, improving workflow and monitoring of applications and allowing officers to work remotely more efficiently.

The council recognises that there have been some delays in considering and determining applications, which is reflective of a national issue, and is currently advising applicants of realistic timeframes. The planning team has put new measures in place to ensure that, over time, the period that applicants are waiting for a decision will be reduced. 

Warrington Borough Council’s Cabinet Member for environment, housing and public protection, Cllr Hitesh Patel, said: “I’m delighted that our new online planning system has officially launched. It will bring real benefits to applicants and agents, who will be able to much more easily access information and monitor the progress of applications on a self-serve basis.

“The new system supports our work to provide efficient and responsive planning services which are better equipped to deal with the huge number of planning applications we receive.

“I would like to thank everyone for their patience while the work to transfer to the new system was carried out. Everyone who uses our planning system can now look forward to a more accessible, efficient and up-to-date experience.”


16 August 2023