Town Hall lit up for Ukraine

The Mayor of Warrington will lead reflections as local residents, political and community leaders, businesses and faith groups are set to gather for a ‘Warrington for peace’ event on Monday 7 March, 5pm, outside the Town Hall.

The event, prompted by the distressing scenes unfolding in Ukraine, will provide the chance for reflection and collective thought to those currently suffering due to global conflict. Residents, communities and organisations are therefore set to attend, in solidarity with the victims.

The Mayor of Warrington, Cllr Maureen Creaghan, said: “Many of us across the world will have been shocked and deeply distressed to see the situation unfold in Ukraine and my thoughts are with those who have been displaced, are suffering, or have been injured or taken by the ongoing conflict.

“Warrington has long been recognised as a place – a beacon – of peace. The ‘Warrington for peace’ gathering therefore is a chance for us locally to express our solidarity with those who are currently victims to war, conflict and famine. I want the people of Warrington to come together, to demonstrate our shared vision for peace, and to show to the people of Ukraine and beyond that we are thinking of them and are hoping and praying for a better world.”

The Town Hall will be lit blue and yellow in solidarity with Ukraine, alongside many other landmarks and civic buildings across the world that are also lighting up in the country’s national colours.

Free parking for the event

Free parking will be available 4pm-6pm at the Town Hall car park for those attending the Warrington for Peace gathering.

How to support the Ukraine humanitarian appeal

The council, in line with the Charity Commission and Fundraising Regulator, is urging the public to ‘give safely’ to registered charities helping and supporting those affected by the invasion of Ukraine.

Residents are therefore advised to give to a registered charity, to have assurance that their donations contribute to the right causes.

People looking to donate to causes working in Ukraine and neighbouring countries, can quickly check a charity’s name and registration number on the government’s website and a dedicated Disaster Emergency Committee (DEC) page has been established, where funds for Ukraine are being collectively raised:

When large-scale disasters hit countries without the capacity to respond, the DEC brings together 15 leading UK aid charities to raise funds quickly and efficiently, and residents are therefore encouraged to give funding to this cause if they would like to donate.

16 August 2023