The survey, which anyone in Warrington can complete, looks to identify current skills, job market trends, future employment opportunities and what people look for when applying for a job.
The Warrington Skills Commission aims to ensure local people have the skills employers want and need.
The commission is made up of representatives from a broad range of sectors, including the council, local business, education and skills, public and the voluntary and community sector. It will be informed by local, national and international evidence and research – including insight collected from the local survey.
Based on research and evidence collected, the commission will draw conclusions on Warrington’s current position and challenges, identify areas for improvement and make recommendations for change, which will be shared widely later this year.
The survey, which is now open and closes on Friday 7 April, will take around 10-15 minutes to complete. Those who enter also have the opportunity to win a £100 voucher to spend at Warrington Market.