White Ribbon Day

Warrington Borough Council is supporting this year’s White Ribbon Campaign by sharing a commitment to end domestic abuse in Warrington.

White Ribbon Day is a widely recognised global movement organised by White Ribbon UK, the leading charity engaging with men and boys to end violence against women and girls.

The White Ribbon campaign, which runs from 25 November – 10 December (UN Human Right Day), is known as White Ribbon Day and is a global movement. 

The campaign aims to highlight the extent of domestic abuse and calls on men, women, and young people to take action. It is primarily aimed at men and boys and encourages them to pledge that they will never commit, condone or remain silent about abuse of women.

In Warrington, 95% of cases at multi-agency risk assessment conferences (MARAC) or accessing independent domestic violence advisor (IDVA) services are women.

This year, White Ribbon Day falls within the same week as the launch of the FIFA men’s World Cup and the launch of White Ribbon UK’s campaign #TheGoal. The campaign will run throughout the tournament, when cases of domestic abuse typically increases, aiming to bring men and boys together to think about how they can make a positive difference to achieve equality and safety for women and girls.

The council is also asking people to share what their goal is, whether it is as a friend, sibling, parent or partner.  If you are concerned about your behaviour towards your partner or loved one, you can access the engage service for free, confidential support on 01270 250390.

Cllr Maureen McLaughlin, cabinet member for housing, public health and wellbeing, said: “It is devastating that domestic abuse affects one in four women and one in six men at some stage in their lives.

“We are committed to tackling this in Warrington and are once again asking men, women, and young people to get the message out there by wearing a white ribbon to show that they believe domestic abuse is wrong and will not be tolerated. I would encourage everyone to wear the ribbon and make the White Ribbon Promise, to never use, excuse, or remain silent about domestic violence.”

Anthea Sully, chief executive of White Ribbon UK, said: “This year, White Ribbon Day is focusing on the attitudes and behaviours men and boys can adopt to move away from associations to violent and abusive behaviour. Men and boys are now expecting better from their colleagues, friends, and family to ensure women and girls are safe.

"This year, as we see the launch of the FIFA men’s World Cup, there is never a better time for us to focus on the good that can come from unifying and supporting one common cause.”

Everyone can show their commitment today by making the White Ribbon Promise to never use, excuse, or silent about men’s violence against women. For more information, visit whiteribbon.org.uk/promise.

If you are affected by domestic abuse, the Warrington Independent Domestic Violence and Abuse Service (IDVA) can help. You can find out more about the service online or call on 01925 243359.

16 August 2023