If you operate an industrial process that falls under Schedule 1 of the Environmental Permitting Regulations 2010 you'll need to apply for an environmental permit. Fees vary depending on the type of permit being applied for.

There are three types of permits:

Part A1 permits

These permits cover the most polluting industries like large-scale power stations, chemical works and pharmaceutical production. A1 premises are regulated for emissions to air, land, water and other environmental considerations such as noise, vibrations, waste and energy usage. You'll need to apply to the Environment Agency for one of these permits.

Part A2 permits

We regulate this category, which is seen as a medium risk to the environment and human health. A2 premises are regulated for emissions to air, land, water and other environmental considerations.

Part B permits

We regulate these industries which and are considered to be less polluting. This includes things like cement batching plants, coating material manufacture and animal feed manufacturers. They are only regulated for air emissions.

You can also change or vary an existing permit.

After we receive your application

The regulator may inform the public of the application and must consider any complaints. If we have not made any decision after four months you can assume the application has been refused.


If your application to vary, transfer or surrender an environmental permit has been refused, or if you object to conditions imposed on the environmental permit, you can appeal. If you want to appeal a decision, please speak to us in the first instance. 

Contact us

[email protected]

01925 984728

You can also appeal to the Secretary of State if you are refused a permit. You must do this within six months of the decision.

16 June 2022