This review is now closed

A community governance review looks at the whole or part of an area to consider:

  • The creation, merger, alteration or abolition of parishes
  • The naming of parishes and the style of new parishes
  • The electoral arrangements for parishes, such as the ordinary year of election, council size, boundary area, wards and number of councillors
  • The grouping or de-grouping of parishes

Why are we proposing a community governance review for Penketh Parish Council?

In the case of the community governance review for Penketh Parish Council, the review was instigated after a petition, proposed by Penketh residents, met the required threshold.

We are therefore conducting a community governance review of Penketh Parish Council in response to this valid petition from registered electors, which seeks the abolition of the parish council.

The review does not automatically mean there are changes, but we are seeking views from stakeholders to inform future decisions related to the petition.

Information about the review

Timetable for the review
  • 9 January 2023: commencement of Review – terms of reference published 
  • 19 February 2023: initial consultation stage closed
  • February – March 2023: draft recommendations prepared
  • 20 March 2023: draft recommendations published
  • 20 March - 24 April 2023: consultation on draft recommendations
  • May - June 2023: final proposals prepared

Final proposals will then be considered by the audit and corporate governance committee, with final recommendations approved by Full Council.

Penketh Parish map

Penketh parish boundary

Progress so far

First consultation stage

The first consultation stage ran from 9 January to 19 February 2023 and asked residents and stakeholders to give their views on whether they wanted the parish of Penketh to be abolished.


Second consultation stage

The second phase of public consultation based on the draft recommendation is now open and will run from 20 March 2023 – 24 April 2023. We welcome views from residents and stakeholders whether they are for or against the recommendation.

Who can take part in the review?

Only stakeholders and residents who live within the Penketh Parish Council boundary area can take part in the consultation. As part of completing the survey, and equally if you respond by email, we will need to verify your postcode to ensure that you are within the boundary area.

Will my response by published?

Yes - but personal information will be redacted.

11 March 2024