Flooding in Warrington
You can find out the latest information by visiting our news page
You can access information about the council in the following ways:
A publication scheme is a requirement of the Freedom of Information Act. It essentially outlines information that the council holds and proactively makes available to the public. For more information see our FOI Publication Scheme document.
Our publication scheme lays out the information that the authority holds that we proactively make available to the public. You access this information by using the search facilities on our website or via Open Data webpage.
We also publish freedom of information figures quarterly.
A disclosure log is a recommendation of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). This is where the Council publishes information that was disclosed in previous responses to FOI requests. Visit our FOI disclosure log page to see the Council’s responses to Freedom of Information requests and the information released as part of this.
If you have searched the above areas of the council’s website and have been unable to find the information you require, you can put a request into the council for this.
The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000 entitles you to ask us for any recorded information (non-personal) that the council holds.
Requests for information:
Alternatively, you can send the request in the post to:
Warrington Borough Council
EIR/FOI Requests
Contact Warrington
East Annexe
Town Hall
Sankey Street
You will receive an acknowledgement for your request, and you will receive a response within 20 working days under the terms of the FOIA 2000. The Council may need to clarify the information you require.
You can request information relating to (list is not exhaustive):
Please see the Access Environmental Information page
If you are unhappy with the FOI response that the Council has provided, you can email: [email protected]
Your request will then be reviewed by a senior officer (known as an internal review) who will not have dealt with your original request. The Council will respond to your request for an internal review as soon as possible.
If the complaint is not upheld and you are still not satisfied, you can approach the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) and request that they review the Council's decision. The ICO will not normally review a complaint under FOI until our internal complaints procedure has been exhausted.
Their contact details are as follows:
Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Telephone: 0303 123 1113
Email: [email protected]