LiveWire is a Community Interest Company (CIC) that has been managing leisure, library and lifestyle services in Warrington since May 2012. The organisation is now the largest provider of leisure and library facilities in the town, operating three neighbourhood hubs, two leisure centres, 1 community hub and 13 libraries. From leisure facilities including state-of-the-art gyms, swimming pools, tennis courts and sports pitches, a wide range of library resources, to our lifestyles support programmes and our community outreach activities.

Embedded within the Lifestyles Service includes:

  • Stop Smoking Service: If you live or work in Warrington, Lifestyles can provide you with friendly Stop Smoking support and advice. Remember, you’re three times more likely to quit successfully with support than if you go it alone.
  • Exercise Referral: Support to help those who have an existing medical condition or new diagnosis to become/remain physically active.
  • Stay On Your Feet exercise programme: A with a focus on strength, mobility and posture with a focus on balance to reduce the risk of someone having a fall.
  • Weight Management programme: The lifestyles team can provide a programme of support, tailored to your needs. Options include group sessions, telephone/virtual or one to one support. The Lifestyle team exclusively supports people who have a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30+.
  • Cancer, Exercise & Well being Programme: A 6 week structured exercise programme for anyone having or recovering from cancer, delivered by our Specialist Cancer Exercise Rehabilitation Instructors. This programme is also suitable for those waiting surgery, during treatment and for those where no further treatment is planned.
  • Mind, Movement, Menopause: A programme providing a safe environment to enable ladies to talk about the challenges of menopause and its symptoms. This programme consists of 45 minutes of exercise followed by 45 minutes of education.
Orford Jubilee Hub, Jubilee Way, Orford, Warrington
Warrington WA2 8HE, UK
Anxiety or depression
Social media and mental health
Frontline workers
Older adults
Face to face
Last modified
14 March 2023